Friday, September 27, 2013

On the Cultural Ourobourous...

-The Article I Am Replying To-

I found it interesting how you mentioned that pop-culture isn't always original, but can be good. But I think as of late pop-culture has gotten too unoriginal, what with the lack of new IPs and a great galloping glut of older ones at the expense of new ideas.

Note how every new IP that comes along and is even remotely good gets people praising it as a breath of fresh air, and notice how nerds campaigned to get people to go see Pacific Rim despite the fact that it's a big-budget blockbuster and shouldn't have needed a grassroots get-the-word-out campaign. And notice how it was only saved by it's foreign gross after the majority of Americans proved they'd rather go see yet another Despicable Me sequel or an even shittier sequel to a shitty Adam Sandler wankfest(If you did this, by the way, you are terrible and I am angry at you).

I blame this regurgitation-effect on marketers, who find it the easiest way to get butts in seats. And if any of you students here are majoring/planning on getting a career in marketing, know that I HATE YOU!

You are the reason good; original ideas get nixed and good movies get cut to ribbons so that they can appeal to the moron brigade, you are the reason nothing can get made except for remakes without either the director being a Hollywood big-wheel or the director doing YET ANOTHER of your terrible; terrible rehashes.

You're the reason most Americans don't believe in global warming and why millions of teenage girls feel the need to puke their way to skinny to look like the girl in the magazine (despite the fact that even the girl in the magazine doesn't look like the girl in the magazine thanks to your photoshop shenanigans). Your job, for the most part; is to lie to people and make products worse so you can more easily lie to people.

When the inevitably global apocalypse causedby global warming happens, I HOPE YOU GET EATEN FIRST!

Rant out.

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