-The post that I am responding to-
Yes, I'd agree that we are born in an age of pop-culture saturation. But I'd also say that we're in an age of pop-culture awareness too. There's a reason why TVTropes-browsing is a major past-time and why sexism and racism in pop culture is called out more than ever.
Of course, I think that this is due to the internet's increasing prominence in our lives, allowing those people who once would have been called "geeks" and "pop-culture wonks" to unite and share data, coming to a greater understanding of the subject. Hell, thevast increase in prominence of fanfiction compared to the pre-internet age when it was restricted to fanzines could tell ya that!
"We are born in an age of pop-culture saturation," I agree with this statement. But I want to add that every time we have a choice, which culture we should follow. We coud choose the most enjoyable music or my be we choose political or art book.